Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Jack Russell Terriers...

...were originally bred by the Reverend Jack Russell in Devon, England.  Clergymen of the English country at the time were blessed with money and a lot of free time.  According to Bill Bryson in his recent book "At Home," this led to a lot of clergy putting their brains towards other pursuits aside from churchly responsibilities.  Some were mathematicians, others studied animals, some published novels, etc.  Jack Russell gave us a dog.

Bryson, Bill.  "At Home." 2010 Anchor Books, Random House.  New York, New York.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Photo of the Day

I change my computer's wallpaper every few weeks.  I like variety.

One of the best places for computer wallpapers?  National Geographic Photo of the Day.  Every day, another gorgeous photo is uploaded.

Today's is tempting for a holiday change...

Happy Black Friday and welcome to the Christmas season!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

The Alchemist Code

Did you know that Sir Isaac Newton, the king of apples and gravity, has several journals full of alchemy experiments?

Did you know that alchemists wrote their experiments in code (such as "The Red Dragon devours the White Eagle") so that only those who were worthy would understand what that meant?

Alchemy is generally regarded with disdain.  Yes, many charlatans cropped up during this time claiming things that could never happen, but in truth, alchemy paved the way for chemistry.  It had a rather interesting history that I'd love to explore a bit more.


LINK, Google Books:

Monday, November 21, 2011

How long...

Let's say you put some bacteria in a jar.

They double in number every day.

After twenty days, you have a full jar.

On what day was the jar half empty?

neeteniN :rewsnA  (Thank you to boreddotcom for the backwards writing!)


Saturday, November 19, 2011

The Octopus! It's really cool.

Did you know that the makers of cameras studied octopus eyes to improve their lenses?  True story.

The octopus is fascinating.  I listened to a podcast a few weeks ago about them and spent the majority of that evening telling my husband stories.  If you want to listen to the podcast, search for it on iTunes under "How Stuff Works - Stuff You Should Know" or read the article that it was based on called "How Octopuses Work."

You'll learn about how strong an octopus's arm is, how its nervous system works, how they live, and even some crazier tidbits.  For example: the brown octopus can change to resemble a sole fish, lionfish or sea snake.  Why?  Depends on the predator coming at it.  A damselfish's enemy is the sea snake.


Thursday, November 17, 2011

Food cravings and cancer?

I read this article back in August and have been meaning to follow up on it.  Sadly, I haven't had time yet, but I thought I'd put it out there anyway.

In short, a woman craved lettuce (upwards of four heads a day) and her husband (a scientist) worked out that she might be eating so much lettuce to make up for a nutrient that is commonly lost in breast cancer patients.  Turns out, he was right.  His wife did have early breast cancer, she was treated, and is now doing very well!


Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Ancient Beer!

Did you know that Dogfish Head Brewery has an "Ancient Ales Series" of beers?

The recipes all come from ancient times!

Midas Touch: The recipe was determined from pottery found in the tomb of King Midas's father.

I totally want to try it.