Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Titanic sank of the night of April 14th/April 15th, 1912 - just a few weeks shy of 100 years ago.

The most recent edition of National Geographic has some amazing new photos of the wreck.

Click through this most recent photo gallery on their website: LINK

This would also be a good place to say that one of my fears is that kids in the future will think a Rose Dewitt-Bukater and Jack Dawson were actual passengers on the ship.  I live near Independence Hall in Philadelphia - I've heard parents talking about Ben Franklin's special glasses to their children.  It's just ... ugh.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Glowing Sushi

Yes, it's happened.  Fish exist that have been genetically modified to carry a fluorescent protein.  They were made in labs for experimental purposes, but then somehow have shown up in pet stores and now in your dinner. 

I'm not sure how I feel about this and I fully understand the technology behind them!  I should research more... but, I thought it was an interesting find.

Article on fluorescent sushi:

Info on Glowing Sushi:

Friday, March 16, 2012

Medicinal Mushrooms

Did you know that there is a publication called "The International Journal for Medicinal Mushrooms?"

It comes out once a year.  (Many journals are published once a week or once a month.)

A quick perusal through some of the more recent articles shows the journal discusses how compounds found in mushrooms could be used for diabetes and cancer treatments.  Obviously anything that remains unexplored is hoped to be used for such diseases, but the fact that an entire journal is dedicated to mushrooms is awesome.

Website for the Journal:

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Walk for Progeria

Anyone in Michigan?

Lindsay Ratcliffe is a six year old girl living with progeria in Flat Rock, Michigan.  Her body ages 8 times faster than normal people.  The average life expectancy is only 13 years.

No cure exists for progeria.  To learn more about the disease, I put up a post about it on my main blog Amedeo (LINK).

On May 12th, her parents are hosting the 7th Annual Miles for Miracles Walk/Run at Fountain Park.  More information can be found on Linday's website (