Thursday, August 30, 2012

Naming Lunar Plains, Martian Mountains

In the spirit of Neil Armstrong, I recently reread some information about the Apollo missions and the moon itself.  The names of the seas (aka "maria") are so ethereal: Tranquillitatis (tranquility), Frigoris (cold), Humorum (Moisture), Imbrium (Showers) and Ingenii (Cleverness).  What I did not appreciate until today was that all maria on the moon are named for either states of the mind (tranquility, cleverness) or water (moisture, showers).  Who knew?  Not me!

Since we are currently moving beyond the moon in space exploration, scientists are needing to name aspects of more distant heavenly bodies.  Luckily, the International Astronomical Union has rules in place!

Mercury mountains are given names meaning "hot." = ex. Caloris Montes (mountains of heat)

Venus canyons are named in honor of goddesses. = ex. Ishtar Terra (Ishtar is the Babylonian goddess of love), Aphrodite Terra (Aphrodite being the Greek goddess of love and beauty)

Mars craters get their names from villages on Earth.  = ex. Ada (Oklahoma), Ajon (Russia), Bombala (Australia)

Read more about the tales of woe surrounding these naming philosophies here:

Naming is always a fun task for scientists.  Read here about the funny names we give proteins.

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